This knife has been one of my favorites so far. Even though I have made a few knives since this build, it still remains one of my favorites. Not because of the fit and finish, but because it feels so good in my hand.
This one is made from 3/16 inch O1 tool steel and has double ply green and black G10 handle scales with orange liners and a wet sanded 600 grit finish. The sheath is green Kydex with an orange G10 spacer.
I am sorry to say that I no longer have this knife. My brother wanted a handmade knife for Christmas, but a couple of days before Christmas I severely messed up on his knife when rushing to finish it….I have learned that rushing is not a good thing when making knives. So what does a good brother do in a situation like that?…You guessed it…he gives his brother and empty box as a Christmas present with a note inside that says sorry about your luck…No, I didn’t really do that…I cleaned up my favorite knife, made sure the edge was hair popping sharp, and gave it to my brother. I still get to see it when I am over at their house though…so not all is lost.